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Welcome to LMac Community CPR

Your best choice for all levels of First Aid and CPR Training!

Effective Jan. 1st, 2024

While we have tried to avoid any increase in prices, effective Dec. 26th, we have added a surcharge to all PayPal payments in order to cover their charge to us of 2.9% + .30 per transaction. Cash, e-transfer and cheque amounts have not changed.

(For additional news just click on 'News' or the link in the menu bar).)

Naloxone could be the difference between life and death for an Opiod poisoning. For more information, click HERE.

With the new Scouts Canada policies, leaders may need to have EMERGENCY, STANDARD or WILDERNESS First Aid.

The longest running Red Cross Training Partner in SW Ontario - teaching since 1994.

We teach EVERY Red Cross, First Aid or CPR related course.

Averaging 2000 certifications per year over the last 10 years.

ALL certified First Aid and CPR courses include AED training / certification and are WSIB Compliant.

Partnering with and being part of the Canadian Red Cross and the Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada ensures quality training, quality material, and certification that is recognized by professional organizations world wide.

Your work environment or geographical location may affect the types of injuries/medical conditions you may encounter as well as the time you need to wait for emergency response which will affect the First Aid course you should be taking. The knowledge, critical thinking, and skills you gain from an LMac Community CPR course will aid you in caring for your family, friend or co-worker until medical aid arrives.

Our clients come from many fields including medical personnel (nurses, personal support workers, dentists & doctors), office staff, manufacturing, construction, skilled trades, Scouts/Guides  and other youth groups. While most of them have different training needs, they all have one thing in common - they took the time to learn how to help someone else who requires First Aid - from a basic bandage to full CPR.

LMac Community CPR

offers the following courses:

(just click on the course name to go to that course)

Emergency First Aid

For smaller workplaces or those with an interest in learning CPR/AED plus how to respond to life threatening emergencies.
(8 hrs)

Standard First Aid

The most popular course for workplace, required by WSIB for companies with more than 5 employees. Includes all Emergency First Aid topics plus many additional topics.
(16 hrs)

CPR - Level 'A' or 'C'

Required by some associations or for those who want to know how to do CPR and use an AED.
(5 hrs)

CPR - Level 'BLS/HCP'

The medical level of CPR, includes pulse check, BVM and assisted breathing.
(4 hrs)

First Responder

For those who need a higher level of training for their work.
(40 hrs)

Emergency Medical Responder

The most popular course for those wishing to work in the EMS or advanced response fields.
(80 hrs)

Remote First Aid

The perfect course for anyone who paddles, camps or hikes where help could be hours away.
(20+ hrs)

Wilderness First Aid

Ideal if you lead groups in the wilderness or could be more than 24 hrs from help.
(40+ hrs)

Wilderness First Responder

Geared towards anyone looking for a career in Search and Rescue or more advanced First Aid at fixed remote locations.
(80+ hrs)

Marine Basic First Aid

Ideal for anyone who works or spends time in a marine environment.
(16 hrs)

Marine Advanced First Aid

Required for a Master or Officer certification under Transport Canada.
(40 hrs)

Heart & Stroke CPR Instructor

For anyone who would like to teach Heart & Stroke Foundation CPR courses.
(14 hrs)

Red Cross First Aid Instructor

For anyone who would like to teach Canadian Red Cross courses.
(32 hrs + online)

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LMac Community CPR
875 Hamilton Road, London, Ontario
Ph: 519-453-1483   Email:Laura@LMac-CPR.ca

Copyright 2020 - LMac Community CPR