We train you like the life you save will be ours!
Nov 11, 2022
Hi Laura/Mike,
I attended a class with you in the lodge in Collingwood (Feb 2021) at the recommendation of Bitty Quinn. I wanted to share an experience with you from this week.
I was the first to arrive at my Grandparents residence on Wednesday afternoon following a panicked and confusing call from my Grandmother.
I was about to walk into something horrible that had happened to my Grandfather. When I entered the house I was met with my grandmother in a state of shock that would best be described as being an incoherent shaking zombie. After quickly securing her safely in a chair I checked on my grandfather who was without vital signs.
I ended up treating my grandmother for shock and performing unsuccessfully CPR on my grandfather whole directing the confused and panicked family that was starting to arrive at the home until EMS arrived and took over their care. I then had to give statements to Police, EMS, and the Coroner.
I share this situation both as a reflection / decompression of the events and as a thank you to the both of you.
Your voices and scenarios were in my head directing me. I know that nothing was left on the table and everything possible within our power was done.
I was the right person to arrive. I have since been approached by other family members apologizing to me for having to do what i did, but said they felt lost and out of control when they arrived.
I know i will have to live with the horrible scene and will carry it, but feel strongly the outcome would have been far worse had it not been me, especially for my grandmother who i feel would caused her self harm unintentionally or had a heart attack herself.
Thank you for what you guys do. Your teachings have brought a lot of comfort.
James O'Neill
May 13, 2019
Hey Laura,
Huge thank you for the training! I woke up this morning to my fire pager going off. Unconscious female and the address was my parents house. I think I teleported across town to get there. Didn’t even close my front door.
My mom started on a new medication (Humeria) on Wednesday and has been feeling flu like ever since. This morning she passed out. My dad was a volunteer firefighter for years so he tried to get her to respond and she wouldn’t.
When I got to the house my dad was still on the phone with 911 (like I said I teleported). She was awake, GCS about 10. So I went into treatment mode. Vitals, checking to make sure nothing was injured from the fall, questions (to my dad until she started coming around) and then I moved her to an easier location for the medics.
I wasn’t calm at all... but I presented calm because I knew that I knew what I was doing. Thank you. From my entire family, thank you. Your training did more than teach me medical... it made me have courage and made me never second guess myself in the hardest scenario I’ve ever done.
Thank you.
Apr. 10, 2015
Hi Laura,
Well I used my training this morning! I had to go for blood work and an elderly lady sitting across from me in the waiting room began to breath funny and looked at me and said Help. I couldn’t believe it was happening! When I got over to her she fainted and I was able to lower her to the floor and call for help. Thankfully she came to almost immediately but I went through my sample questions which really helped….she had not had anything to eat or drink for 12 hours and had not taken her usual medication this morning, and the same thing happened to her 2 weeks prior. Anyways, just had to tell you! Thanks for the training! It sure came in handy today!
Name withheld for confidentially reasons
Chatham, ON
Hi Mike,
I took your first aid course at Fanshawe College in May (2011). I want to thank you again for providing a wonderful course. It was by far the best I have ever taken and left me feeling confident and capable of approaching first aid situations.
If I may take a moment and share. Perhaps you remember that at the time of training I was pregnant, less than a month later I ended up having my daughter premature, at home, in the middle of the night. At the time I was alone but I can remember being completely in control as I called 911 and waited for paramedics. In addition to that I was able to adequately communicate the situation and my immediate needs. I have no doubt that it was in large part because of your course and training ability. For that I am eternally grateful.
(name withheld by request)
RE: Goderich Tornado
Hi Laura:
This is a note of thanks for the excellent preparation you gave me with the Wilderness and Remote FA course last spring. On the afternoon of Aug. 21, 2011 I was in Goderich with 33 members of my family at our annual reunion. With only a minute or two of warning, the F3 tornado passed over us as we huddled on the floor of my brother's house. Before the dust had even settled, I used my knowledge from the course to ensure everyone was accounted for and uninjured. Things looked good so I went outside with my brother and nephews and started assisting others. I had a good first aid kit in my car that I carried with me for the next several hours. The mantra, "no gas, no glass, no wire, no fire" was only good for us because there was no fire.
There were many gas leaks in the immediate area, live wires everywhere, and glass covered everything. We evacuated houses and turned cars away from the danger, then, for several hours, I directed traffic on Hwy 8 as people tried to get into town. Once OPP were in place to assume that duty, I returned to my family and made sure once again they were safely evacuated and then helped get other relatives to take most of the family out of town.
My story could go on and on as we continue to recover mentally from the trauma and get our vehicles back from the collision centres or purchase new one to replace those that were totalled. I know that without the training you provided, I would not have been as ready to help as I was. I was fortunate that I didn't need my kit but the reassurance that I could help someone if necessary helped me carry on that day. Thank you for the courage and determination to lead that day. I'm happy to be alive!
With many thanks, (name withheld by request)
RE: Accident south of London
Hello Laura,
My name is Connie Kloosterman and I am currently a student at Trios College in London, Ontario. I was in your cpr/first aid training at the school sometime around the end of Nov./08. I had some minimal first aid training prior to that but I never felt like I was really prepared to react in a situation. After I completed this course with you and your family I felt like I had learned so much and I was well prepared if a situation should arise. Well, that situation arrived this morning when four of us girls from Trios witnessed an accident on Highbury Ave by Ferguson Line. You were right, we just re-acted and we knew exactly what to do.
I had your voice in my ear and from the moment we jumped out our vehicle to help, I felt prepared. Five people were taken to the hospital but I don't think there were any life threatening injuries thank god. We even tended to their dog that was also in the vehicle. I just wanted to let you know that we are very thankful to have been taught so well by such great people. Thank you for making sure we were well prepared.
Connie Kloosterman
LMac Community CPR
875 Hamilton Road, London, Ontario
Ph: 519-453-1483 Email:Laura@LMac-CPR.ca
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